Jesus' Coming Back

‘Former’ Sodomite Gary Michael Voris Of Church Militant Stands With Soros-Protege Orban, Blames Migrants For COVID-19 Spread has written for a long time about Gary Michael Voris, his history as a ‘former’ sodomite, and yet his interview and support of the admitted sodomite pederast Milo Yiannopoulos who lost his social platform because of his public words on sodomite pederasty. This comes as Voris is the head of a ‘Catholic’ network, and while it is also known that according to the John Jay Study, whose results have maintained a remarkable consistency since its original publication in 2004, that over 80% of the sexual abuse claims in the Church are directly related to sodomite behavior.

Now Church Militant has published and article in support of the Soros-protege Viktor Orban, who we have written about at, citing a recent interview on Kossuth Radio in Hungary, where Orban declares that the spread of COVID-19 is directly related to migration, and that the virus first showed up among “Iranians”.

Commenting on the “logical connection” between the spread of coronavirus and migration, the prime minister said that “We are fighting a two-front war: One front is called migration, and the other one belongs to the coronavirus,” in an interview with Kossuth Rádió on March 13.

Orbán noted that a lot of foreigners are studying in Hungarian universities and observed that most of Hungary’s early cases of the virus were found among Iranian students. The prime minister said that in Hungary, “It’s no coincidence that the virus first showed up among Iranians,” during his weekly interview with Kossuth Rádió on March 13.

Speaking to Church Militant, China expert and president of the Population Research Institute Steven Mosher corroborated the “logical connection” Orbán makes between migration and the disease:

It goes without saying that viruses can only spread if they have help from their human hosts. That’s how the Chinese coronavirus got from China to Iran in the first place, and probably how it got from Iran to Hungary. What Orbán is saying is only common sense, which seems to be in increasingly short supply in these days of political correctness run amuck. (source) has made very clear that the problems are not if a statement is necessarily made in truth or not, but the purpose and context in which that statement is made.

If this virus is truly a global ‘pandemic’, everybody is going to have to deal with it. It does not matter who one is or where one is. Migrants and wealthy people alike will contract the virus and suffer. There should be no question that it was found among migrants. However, what is the motivation here?

Orban became famous in 2016 for his strongly-worded statements about the refugee crisis, but as noted, his words were just words, not backed by action, and his nation demonstrated strong ties to dangerous nationalist groups. If anything, Orban was not helping Hungary or a Christian cause, but the rise of racialism, xenophobia, and militaristic-type attitudes to return to Europe.

The kind of militarism that is returning to Europe is the kind of the 20th century of rejecting the foreigner, promoting one’s own tribal greatness, and generally mistreating people who are “outsiders” with eugenic ideas behind them and at the cost inevitably of many lives. In the words of Pope Pius XI and Servant of God Pope Pius XII,

Whoever exalts race, or the people, or the State, or a particular form of State, or the depositories of power, or any other fundamental value of the human community – however necessary and honorable be their function in worldly things – whoever raises these notions above their standard value and divinizes them to an idolatrous level, distorts and perverts an order of the world planned and created by God; he is far from the true faith in God and from the concept of life which that faith upholds. (source)

Yet these are the people that Orban is fueling by his words, doing what he did four years ago.

This is not Catholic or Christian. This is helping tribalism, which the Church has always been opposed to.

Ask yourself, why does Voris give this person a platform?

Why did he do the same for the sodomite pederast Milo Yiannopoulos?

It seems to be more than just a series of accidents.

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Jesus Christ is King

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