Jesus' Coming Back

Four Christians Tortured by Police in Northern India

(International Christian Concern) On Sunday, March 15, police and radical Hindu nationalists attacked a church gathering in Dhamayapur village, located in India’s Uttar Pradesh state. Following the attack, four Christians were detained by police for more than eight hours. While in police custody, these Christians were tortured, mocked, and falsely accused of a crime they did not commit.

“We were around 150 gathered as part of the regular Sunday worship,” Mohit, one of the four detained Christians, told International Christian Concern (ICC). “Then, I saw a crowd advancing towards us. I was so frightened. I was also really worried for my congregation.”

According to Mohit, more than 30 Bajrang Dal activists and another dozen police officers attacked the Sunday gathering at approximately noon. The assailants forced their way into the hall being used for worship and began beating the Christians that had gathered. Police also confiscated Bibles and other Christian literature as a part of the raid.

“The Bajrang Dal activists told us that we are converting people in the name of casting out evil spirits and spreading a foreign faith,” Mohit told ICC. “They warned us that there will be even more severe consequences.”

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