Jesus' Coming Back

Stock Market Tumbles After Statements From Trump Administration

The stock market took another tumble after announcements from the Trump administration that the virus is not controlled as reported by Zero Hedge.

The State Department’s Ambassador Deborah Birx poured some cold-water on Powell & Mnuchin’s corporate bailout rally when she told the American public that more must be done to contain this virus:

“If Americans continue going to bars, restaurants, other public places, we will fail in containing this virus.”

The Dow surged above Monday high stops, then tumbled on Birx comments. (source)

Ask yourself, does one believe that the Trump administration wants to “contain” this virus?

The circumstances of the entire ordeal are highly suspicious, from it origins to the reactions, which seem to be being made to advance government control over society and get people to accept ideas and concepts or do behaviors that they normally would not have done.

It is known that Trump showing any instability in the markets could cause them to tumble. It makes no sense that such a statement would be allowed to be made unless the purpose was to cause the markets to tumble.

The best way that one can explain this is as a takedown of the global economy, beginning with the US, in order to likely adjust manufacturing, economic, and national policies in preparation for a coming war.

If we think what is happening now is bad, imagine when it becomes more serious.

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Jesus Christ is King

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