Jesus' Coming Back

Supermarkets Begin Adding Item Caps On Purchases

With the rash of buying that has taken place, some stories are putting caps on how many items one can purchase at once, especially those pertaining to groceries or cleaning supplies according to Zero Hedge.

Aldi CEO Jason Hart announced over the weekend that limits would be placed on certain products across the US. Hart said stores would see a reduction of operating hours “to accommodate restocking and cleaning.”

Costco has placed two purchase limits on toilet paper, reported AdAge. We’ve noted this on several occasions as social media users have posted pictures of the limitations.

Target announced last week that certain products would be limited per person though the limit could vary depending on the store.

Walgreens recently said that purchase limits had been enforced at all stores on certain products to “improve inventory and to help ensure products can be more widely available.” (source)

If you are able to, it would probably be a good idea to keep buying grocery supplies because one cannot be assured when one will be able to get supplies in the future.

There is going to be a lot of economic pain in the coming year, and food security is very important.

If you have not stocked up, it would probably be good to stock up.

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