Jesus' Coming Back

Kenya Economy Grinds To A Halt Due To COVID-19

Economies around the world are being seriously affected by the spread of COVID-19. The east African nation of Kenya is one of those suffering, as market closures have seriously impacted her agricultural sector, which she relies on for her economy according to Business Daily.

he coronavirus outbreak has brought Kenya’s horticulture sector to a standstill following cancellation of overseas orders, subjecting one of the country’s major sources of foreign earners to huge losses.

The Directorate of Horticulture says flower exports are the worst hit, with almost 100 percent of the orders having been cancelled.

Benjamin Tito, the head of the directorate, termed the situation severe, saying some flower farms in Naivasha have had to shut their operations.

“Flower have been negatively impacted with nearly all of the orders that had been placed having been cancelled so far,” said Mr Tito.

The situation has been worsened by the closure of the world’s largest flower auction in Amsterdam and suspension of flights, meaning that Kenya’s produce cannot access the world market. (source)

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