Jesus' Coming Back

Video Shows Italian Family Praising God From Apartment Building Amid Quarantine: ‘How Great Is Our God’

ITALY — A video posted online shows a family in Italy praising God from their window in the midst of the COVID-19 quarantine, with neighbors coming to their window to listen in or sing along.

The three-minute clip, posted to social media, shows several boys standing by an open window with their father as one plays the guitar. A child also appears to be playing an instrument in the adjacent window while her mother stands next to her.

A number of neighbors come to their windows to listen to the music.

“Dio grande Dio,” the boys sing out. “Canta che! Dio grande Dio!”

The song was “How Great Is Our God,” written by Chris Tomlin: “How great is our God! Sing with me! How great is our God! And all will see how great is our God!”

Some waved at the camera filming the singing, or likewise recorded with their phone, while others appeared to be interested in the worship. One woman raised her hand in the air in praise to the Lord as she sang along.

According to Bibliotodo News, the window singing took place “the first week in which coronavirus left everyone in quarantine in their homes because, to prevent contagion, authorities restricted access to the streets for everyone.”

The latest figures state that 41K Italians have been diagnosed with COVID-19, with more than 3,400 fatalities. It is the most affected country in the world, next to China, which has over 80K cases. The United States currently stands at 11.5K cases with 171 deaths as of press time.

Those who have viewed the video of praise amid quarantine have offered words of support for the nation of Italy and/or insight into the global contagion.

“Blessings brothers. Let us continue advancing that He is ahead as a powerful warrior,” one commenter wrote.

“This is the way forward, Italians, as did the apostle Paul, who sang and [rejoiced] himself in jail,” another exhorted. “Likewise, keep on singing, giving honor and glory … and soon God will heal their land.”

“The Church is light and salt. This is the Church. Do not tire of praising Him. He is worthy,” a third encouraged. “Present suffering does not compare to true glory. Hugs.”

“Nobody seeks God when your life is great. That’s for sure and is fulfilled in what Romans 3:10 says,” another remarked.

“It is our duty to pray for all countries, for ours, for the sick, for families, for those people who have lost loved ones. May God’s mercy spread throughout the world,” one viewer reminded those watching.

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