Jesus' Coming Back

Report: China Stopped Testing for COVID-19. That’s Why There Are Zero New Cases

The world has taken heart from news that China has “flattened the curve” reflecting few to no new cases of COVID-19.

China’s good news was reported by The New York Times Thursday, which trumpeted, “China Hits a Coronavirus Milestone: No New Local Infection.”

The Washington Post reported, “China reports zero new local coronavirus infections.”

NBC News reported China’s National Health Commission’s report about there being no new COVID-19 cases from inside the massive country:

“China’s National Health Commission on Friday reported no new local coronavirus cases, which marked the second time it has done so since the epidemic began.

There were 39 new cases reported on the mainland Thursday, but all were called “new imported confirmed cases.” Deaths on the mainland rose by three, bringing the total dead to 3,248, according to the health commission’s numbers.

There have been 80,967 cases reported on the mainland in all, the national health commission said.”

But a report out of Japan by Apple Daily HK says that rosy view from China is a lie. —>

Read the rest of the story HERE.

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