Jesus' Coming Back

Pastor in India Continues Ministry in the Face of Escalating Persecution

Photo Credit: DMZ/Pixabay

(International Christian Concern) On Feb. 2, leaders of the Hindu nationalist group Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) held a press conference claiming they identified 30 locations in India’s Uttar Pradesh state where religious conversions were taking place. The VHP leaders went on to say they would put a stop to these conversions in a door-to-door Ghar Wapsi campaign.

Since this announcement, attacks on Christians and their places of worship in Uttar Pradesh have skyrocketed. Almost every weekend since the press conference, International Christian Concern (ICC) has received reports of Christians in Uttar Pradesh facing intimidation, harassment, arrest, or assault.

“Things have become far more difficult for pastors like me,” Pastor Ramesh Kumar told ICC. “Almost daily, I encounter a situation where I am asked to stop preaching the Gospel and recant my faith in Jesus.”

Pastor Kumar is a church planter who leads house churches in twelve villages outside of Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh.

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