Jesus' Coming Back

UK Member of Parliament Seeks to Help Situations Where Doctors, Parents Cannot Agree About Child’s Treatment

(The Christian Institute) A Labor Party member of Parliament has called for a clarification in the law surrounding situations where parents and doctors cannot agree about medical treatments for a child. …

In introducing his bill, Bambos Charalambous highlighted Tafida Raqeeb’s case, where doctors of a girl who suffered a traumatic brain injury wanted to turn off life support, contrary to the wishes of her family.

In October, a landmark High Court ruling allowed her parents to take her to Genoa for treatment. She received it and it was successful. Nine weeks ago, she left intensive care and is now breathing on her own.

He also highlighted the case of Ashya King. In 2014 his parents removed him from hospital in Southampton after disagreeing with doctors over appropriate treatment for a brain tumor.

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Main photo: King family

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