Jesus' Coming Back

UK Parents Allege School ‘Brainwashed’ 13-Year-Old Daughter Into Thinking She Is Boy

Photo Credit: Rob Gonyea/

WOKING — A couple in the England have alleged that staff at their daughter’s school brainwashed their child into thinking that she is a boy by subjecting her to personal talks and information about transgenderism without their knowledge.

“Our daughter was egged on to feel that she’s a boy in a girl’s body,” state Ged and Ashleigh Barnett.

They outline that their 13-year-old had always seemed happy with being a girl — until last November, when she suddenly cut her hair short and advised that she feels she is really a boy.

“Last August, she had lovely long hair, wore a dress and make-up and looked like a pretty teenage girl. By November, she didn’t look like the same child,” Mrs. Barnett told the Daily Mail.

While meeting with the headteacher at Hoe Valley School in Woking regarding another issue, the Barnetts learned that their daughter had been meeting with the head of the school’s homosexual and transgender advocacy group on a weekly basis.

“The teaching assistant also pointed her in the direction of a YouTube [page] of a trans activist, which featured a video where they showed off their mastectomy scars and told how well the operation had gone,” Mrs. Barnett said.

The couple states that the school knew their daughter had been having these talks but did not notify them, and are upset that the one-on-one sessions were happening “behind their backs.” School staff allegedly referred to the girl with a male name and told her that she could use the boys’ facilities.

“The school didn’t think it was fit to tell us,” Mrs. Barnett lamented. “We are her parents, but responsibility to care for our child has been taken away. The attitude is that it’s the child’s choice and it’s got nothing to do with us.”

She said that children her daughter’s age are impressionable as they are already struggling with understanding their bodies and appearance.

“Children at 13 or 14, especially girls, are sometimes not happy in their own bodies. That’s what puberty does to you,” Barnett outlined. “They are very vulnerable. It only takes one person with an agenda to plant a little seed that they are ‘in the wrong body.’”

The Daily Mail reports that headteacher Jane Davies wrote to the couple in an email, “It is important that you understand that she is old enough to make her own decisions.’’

The girl is now seeing a psychologist and the Barnetts have filed complaints against the school. Hoe Valley School denies the allegations.

As previously reported, last year, the parents of a nine-year-old Oregon boy sued their school district for $1 million, stating that the child’s elementary school teacher wrongfully assumed he had “transgender” inclinations and began to personally teach him about “gender identity” without their knowledge.

The child began using the staff restroom in the midst of having a digestive-related medical condition that he wanted to be discreet about. The teacher reportedly assumed that the student didn’t want to use the boys’ restroom because he identified more as a girl. The lawsuit states that the teacher consequently asked their son if he was transgender and worked up a lesson plan to help him understand what the term means.

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