Jesus' Coming Back

The COVID-19 Coronavirus Hits The Illegal Drug Business Hard

The Covid-19 coronavirus is a pandemic, and a pandemic does not discriminate but harms everyone equally. This applies to both the health and the economy of a society. All are affected without regard to who one is, for just as it states in the Bible the rain ‘falls on the good and evil alike.’

Mexico has had a lot of problems for years with drug traffickers, who have ravaged the Central American nation in what has pointed out appears to be a series of proxy wars between the US and Russia. It is less a concern at this point why the war is being waged and instead is to acknowledge the fact that many innocent people have been slaughtered in the most horrendous ways because of it.

However, the are also some interesting developments that have come about as a result of the virus that is ravaging the globe. One of these things is the effects of the coronavirus in Mexico, as according to El Blog Del Narco, it has hit the illegal drug business hard, causing shortages of major chemicals used in drug production that are often purchased in China.

“…the wholesale price of one kilogram of methamphetamine in Mexico has more than doubled since the beginning of the year. But that is only the first of the problems facing Mexican drug trafficking organizations, Hope warned.

And it is that he pointed out, to the extent that the flow of trade and people between the United States and Mexico is reduced, as a consequence of the disruption of production chains and the economic contraction, in parallel to a tightening of border controls to stop expansion of the virus, it will become more difficult for Mexican criminal groups to smuggle drugs to the neighboring country.

To this, Hope said, we must add an almost inevitable drop in US demand for drugs. With large areas of the United States in virtual quarantine, users are going to have trouble going out to find the substances they consume.

He stressed that although this balance is temporary, to the extent that the life of the country is normalized, the old patterns of illicit trafficking and criminal activity will return. (source)

Sometimes, things in life act as “equalizers” that disrupt normal patterns of behavior. The virus is one of those things.

Nobody saw this virus coming among the common people, and tehre was no way that they could have. However, it has significantly changed how many people lives and will for the next two years. It will not be something that is forgotten, and the political effects will be even greater.

Life is something that can be easily disrupted. Many forget this. For example, there was in Medieval Europe the time before the great plague hit, and then after, and things were not the same.

Major plagues and major historical events that cause serious changes tend to correspond with each other, and as the signs currently exist for a major war in the future, we are watching to see how the current situation may fit in with a global conflict.

But for now, at least for the common man, some will have a temporary respite from the horror of drug trafficking in Mexico.

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