Jesus' Coming Back

Indian Evangelicals Confirm 366 Cases of Violence Against Christians in 2019

(Evangelical Focus) The Evangelical Fellowship of India (EFI) has released the Religious Liberty Commission (RLC) report “Hate and Targeted Violence Against Christians in 2019.”

According to the report, “in 2019,the Christian community in India continued to face incidents of targeted violence and hate crimes. The RLC recorded 366 incidents where Christians have been targeted using violence, intimidation or harassment.”

“Uttar Pradesh, the most populous state of India, and indicted in the recent shooting down of Muslim protesters, maintained its position as the worst offender in the persecution of Christians. Even though compared to the 2018 figures, the state accounts for almost a quarter of all incidents recorded in the nation”, the RLC points out.

The report says “the state is led by Chief Minister Ajay Singh Bisht, also known as Yogi Adityanath, the high priest of the Gorakhnath temple in the state, who is also the founder of the Hindu YuvaVahini, a Hindu youth militia that has been involved in communal violence and in targeting religious minorities.”

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