Jesus' Coming Back

Police Shut Down Outreach Outside of Open Planned Parenthood in Show of Force After Gov’s Coronavirus Order

MILWAUKEE — At least four police cruisers with the Milwaukee Police Department showed up on Wednesday to tell six people gathered outside of the local Planned Parenthood to reach abortive mothers — which was reportedly still open in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic — to disperse under threat of arrest due to a “Safer at Home” order issued by Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers.

A Facebook video, which was streamed live, shows the interaction that took place outside of Planned Parenthood that day. It began as two officers approached those on the sidewalk to state that pursuant to a stay-at-home order from the governor, they are supposed to be at home.

“This morning, as of 8 a.m., unless you’re walking, biking or running, you’re supposed to be at home,” one officer states. “… This is not an essential gathering.”

A man, who was identified as a local pastor in the recording, steps forward and explains that he understands — as per advice from his attorney — that as long as there are no more than 10 people, churches and faith-based groups have a right under the law to stand outside. He shows the officer the governor’s order on his phone.

“People in this country have a right to murder their children. We understand that. But at the same time, the God that we worship calls us to try to stand in the gap and plead for their lives,” the pastor outlines.

The police soon depart but advise the few to remain six feet apart and to ensure that the gathering is not more than 10 people. However, the officers return minutes later after speaking with a supervisor and state that they were told that any groups must be inside and not in public.

As the pastor states that the interpretation of the order is incorrect, a supervisor is therefore dispatched.

Soon, a total of at least four police cars and eight officers were at the scene.

Ever’s “Safer at Home” order includes the following exemptions: “Religious facilities, entities, groups, and gatherings, and weddings and funerals, except that any gathering shall include fewer than 10 people in a room or confined space at a time and individuals shall adhere to Social Distancing Requirements as much as possible.”

This is a breaking news story and will be updated.

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