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President Trump: Americans Rallying to ‘Defeat the Unseen Enemy’

President Trump posted a powerful video from his reelection campaign highlighting the administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic and heaping praise on the American people, who are “rallying together to defeat the unseen enemy.”

“In times of struggle we see the true greatness of the American character Americans from all walks of life are rallying together to defeat the unseen enemy,” Trump states in the video, which cuts away to clips of politicians, health officials, and political pundits praising the administration’s leadership:

“He said everything that I could have hoped for,” California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) says in the video.

“I can tell you the actions he has taken, his team has been on it,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) remarks.

The video keenly stresses the role of the American people in fighting the “unseen enemy” and features one of the president’s remarks made at a recent coronavirus task force briefing.

“The one that really deserves the credit are the American people,” Trump says.

“Our message is to all Americans we love them, we’re with them, and we will not let them down,” he adds.

This is not the first time Trump has used the term “unseen enemy” to refer to the current crisis.

“Defeating this unseen enemy requires the help and commitment of every single American,” he said during a coronavirus task force briefing last week.

The president has remained optimistic throughout the crisis and signaled that he would like to see the economy begin to reopen as early as Easter.

“I think you’ll see a very fast turnaround once we have a victory over the hidden enemy,” Trump said during Thursday’s briefing.

Poll after poll has shown that the majority of the American people approve of the administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic in the United States. A Harris Poll released last week showed Trump’s approval rating, on the handling of the coronavirus, specifically, jumping five points in a matter of days — 51 percent to 56 percent. An Ipsos/ABC News poll released this week showed similar results, with 55 percent of Americans approving of Trump’s response to the pandemic. What is more, polls are also indicating that Americans have higher approval of Trump’s response to the crisis than the media’s.

Trump signed the $2 trillion relief economic relief package, or CARES Act, on Friday.


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