Jesus' Coming Back

Coronavirus: Maryland Imposes Stay-at-Home Order

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) announced he is issuing a “stay-at-home” order for all residents that will take effect Monday evening at 8:00 p.m.

Hogan said residents should stay indoors unless their job is deemed essential, while nonessential businesses must shift their activities online if able.

Residents who recently visited nearby states have been asked to self-quarantine for two weeks.

“Unfortunately we are only at the beginning of this crisis, and it will get considerably worse before it gets better,” Hogan said. “We are no longer asking or suggesting Marylanders stay home, we are directing them to do so.”

Residents face misdemeanor charges if they violate the order.

In the same statement, Hogan warned the issue will take a massive toll on the state’s budget.

“We’re going to tap into, or perhaps drain the entire rainy-day fund. We’ve already asked for half of the next stimulus package from the federal government to the states,” he said. “We’re talking about nationally, 25 percent unemployment. Revenues should be down dramatically.”

Maryland has 1,413 confirmed coronavirus cases and 51 people in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C. due to the illness that originated in Wuhan, China.


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