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President Trump says next 30 days ‘vital’ in coronavirus fight: ‘Our future is in our own hands’

President Trump pleaded with Americans Monday to put their lives on hold for another 30 days, saying their behavior over the next month will make or break the country’s fight against the coronavirus.

“Our future is in our own hands,” he said from the White House Rose Garden. “The choices and sacrifices we make will determine the fate of this virus and really the fate of our victory.”

Mr. Trump on March 16 asked the American people to work and learn at home, avoid crowds and nonessential travel and use carryout instead of dining inside restaurants.

He hoped to loosen those rules by the end of March and get things up and running by Easter, though pivoted after seeing models that said up to 2 million people could die if the virus was left unchecked.

Instead of relaxing the guidelines, he said they’ll be “very much as they are, maybe toughened up a bit.”

“Really we have no other choice,” Mr. Trump said Monday. “This is a very vital 30 days. We’re sort of putting it all on the line.”

sort of putting it all on the line.”

Mr. Trump said he’s OK with Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s decision to largely shut things down through early June.

“We’re letting the governors do pretty much what they want with our supervision,” Mr. Trump said. “Some go further than others.”

Read the rest of the story HERE.

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