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‘Upon information & belief’: Trump warns of potential Iran ‘sneak attack’ on US forces in Iraq

While both the US and Iran are battling coronavirus, belligerent words haven’t been forgotten. President Donald Trump claimed Iran could be planning an attack on US forces in Iraq and warned it would pay a “very heavy price.”

“Upon information and belief, Iran or its proxies are planning a sneak attack on US troops and/or assets in Iraq,” Trump warned on Twitter Wednesday afternoon. 

He added that if such an attack happens, Iran will pay a “very heavy price.”

The Trump administration has been criticized for continuing economic sanctions on Iran, which has over 47,000 confirmed coronavirus cases and over 3,000 deaths from the virus, according to the country’s health ministry. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo did admit on Tuesday that the US could consider easing sanctions on Iran in the future to help fight the spread of the coronavirus.

“We evaluate all of our policies constantly, so the answer is – would we ever rethink? – of course,” he told reporters when asked about the possibility. 

The US sanctions are part of a “maximum pressure” policy to curb Iran’s nuclear, missile and regional activities. 

Also on In a time of pandemic, the US prepares for war – but Iran’s weakness is grossly exaggerated

While US troops are supposed to be exiting the Middle East, a New York Times story claimed military commanders were ordered last week to be prepared for an escalation of combat in the country.

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