Jesus' Coming Back

Jaffa riots continue for a second day, rocks thrown towards firefighters

A number of young people in Jaffa, some of which were minors, set fire to dumpsters and threw rocks and bricks toward the road on Yefet Street, later throwing rocks at a fire truck which arrived on the scene on Thursday to extinguish the dumpster-fire.
As a result, two firefighters suffered minor injuries and the truck received minor damage.
Later on Thursday, police arrested a 17-year-old Jaffa resident in suspicion of arson and throwing rocks, finding incendiary devices in his possession after conducting a search.
The suspect is currently being investigated at the police station.
“The police will use all of the means at its disposal to bring to justice violators of the law who, in their violent behavior, constitute a real risk to public life.”
On Wednesday, A riot erupted in Jaffa after police arrested a man who allegedly violated the Health Ministry’s coronavirus quarantine orders, police reported. 
Dozens of people took part in the protest, which also took place on Yefet street, n the Ajami neighborhood of Jaffa, where many Arab-Israelis reside. 
MK Sami Abu Shehadeh from the Arab Joint List took to social media to write that once again the “Police has shown its brutality to citizens in general and Arab citizens in particular.” 

A spokesperson for Israel Police said that it usually protects the right of protesters but could not allow violence against its own men or risk placing the public’s health at risk during the time of a pandemic.  

Shehadeh argued that the pandemic of COVID-19 is one more reason to be baffled by this show of force, which he claimed was placing the officers themselves at risk. 
Jerusalem Post Staff also contributed to this article.


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