Coronavirus: Shin Bet completes review of Litzman’s phone

The Shin Bet has completed the investigation into the movements of Health Minister Ya’acov Litzman, who was diagnosed with coronavirus on Thursday causing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Mossad Director Yossi Cohen, National Security Council Adviser Meir Ben-Shabbat and Health Ministry director-general Moshe Bar Siman Tov all to enter quarantine for 14 days from the time they were last with him A release explaining that his phone was tracked and the results reviewed was released by the Health Ministry and the data was uploaded to the national coronavirus tracking map. Anyone who came into contact with him have been contacted personally. The news comes on the backdrop of a report published Thursday by Channel 12 that questioned whether Litzman followed his office’s guidelines. He reportedly prayed at a synagogue with a minyan on March 28, three days after the Health Ministry’s directive that “no person should pray in a place other than his place of residence unless prayers are being conducted in an open space.” Testimony by residents in the haredi neighborhood in which Litzman lives suggests he violated the directives several other times. Moreover, when the Knesset was being sworn in three weeks ago, Litzman was the only one who refused to have his temperature taken before entering the building, Channel 13 reported. Litzman is 71 years old, which puts him at risk for developing a critical case of coronavirus. His wife, Chava, was also infected.
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