Jesus' Coming Back

COVID-19 May Permanently Reshape Social Relations

There are a lot of people who have said that they would “fight” against any changes to their way of life. But the recent events with the COVID-19 coronavirus have proven this to be an elaborate LARP, as the Washington Times reports, for people are not only stopping completely their previous way of life, but the changes are so sharp they may become permanent in society to an extent, especially the concept of “social distancing”.

Going to a baseball game, packing into a concert arena or shaking another person’s hand could become a thing of the past if social distancing becomes a way of life.

The constant reminders that it’s not safe to shake hands or come too close to one another isn’t healthy, and mental health specialists warn that these social cues will linger in our minds after the COVID-19 pandemic ends.

“It’s hard to go back to more relaxed norms,” said Yulia Chentsova Dutton, a cultural psychologist and a professor at Georgetown University.

Russians developed the cultural habit of changing their clothes immediately after coming home from the outdoors during the civil war and World War II period, and that ritual has been handed down for generations.

“You will probably see something similar happening in the United States,” Ms. Chentsova Dutton said, though she noted that these types of habits develop over time. (source)

This virus has truly been a “gift” that “keeps on giving”.

It has managed to isolate people from each other in the name of safety, and potentially make it a long-term cultural change.

From packed bars for years before to “social distancing” now, and all it took was a few months of problems.

An entire culture, a whole way of life was abandoned in an instant over one incident.


Go and have fun with that. Who does one need find to “fight” for one’s “freedom” when one gave up his “freedom” willingly and immediately because of a single threat and has chosen to follow the changes?

This is entirely self-inflicted as well, demonstrating that all great nations die not by the hands of invaders or other people, but by their own hands every times as the records of history shows and continues to be proven.

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