Jesus' Coming Back

Justin Bieber Hosts Rapid-Fire Gospel Discussion with Pastor Rich Wilkerson on Instagram

Justin Bieber Hosts Rapid-Fire Gospel Discussion with Pastor Rich Wilkerson on Instagram

Justin Bieber hosted a rapid-fire discussion about the Gospel on Instagram with Los Angeles megachurch pastor Rich Wilkerson.

“Give me your 5-minute gospel preaching,” Bieber said, according to Faithwire. “Who is Jesus? What is the Gospel?”

“The gospel is the good news,” Wilkerson said. “And the good news of Jesus is that … all of us were born broken, we all have a desire for God, a hole in our soul … but Jesus came to fill the hole. We believe that Jesus is God’s Son, He came to this world in the form of a man, He lived a spotless and perfect life … and He became the atoning sacrifice; He paid the price for our sin.

Bieber also asked, “Do you think we need to earn God’s love?”

“There’s no way to earn it,” Wilkerson said. “You couldn’t do enough good things to be good enough, and you can’t do enough bad things to be bad enough.

“Trust and believe in what He’s done for us. He paid the price. We just simply believe.”

Bieber also chimed in with Wilkerson, saying grace comes from Jesus.

“That’s why we need Jesus,” he said. “That is the grace … [Jesus] took the punishment himself so that we don’t have to live in shame or fear. God sent his perfect son, who knew no sin and became sin so that we could become right with God.

“My future is secure knowing that I’m forgiven, I’m saved, I’m set free from my past. I don’t have to live in sin or shame … I can live free,” Bieber added.

The Instagram video ended with Bieber asking viewers to trust God with their lives.

“The good news is that matter who you are or what you’ve done. No matter how bad you think you are or how messed up you think your life is … God is not afraid of your mess. He’s not ashamed of what you’ve done. He wants you to come with open arms and accept what He’s done for you.”

“It’s as simple as just saying ‘Jesus, I accept what you did for me, I believe you are God, and I ask you to forgive me for my sins.”

Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Jayne Kamin Oncea/Stringer

Amanda Casanova is a writer living in Dallas, Texas. She has covered news for since 2014. She has also contributed to The Houston Chronicle, U.S. News and World Report and She blogs at The Migraine Runner.


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