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President Trump Urges Resolve In Coronavirus Fight

President Trump gave a pep talk Friday to Americans, saying their “discipline and determination” will defeat the coronavirus.

“Our greatest weapon is the discipline and determination of every citizen to stay at home and stay healthy for a long time,” Mr. Trump said as most of the country braces for a monthlong self-isolation regime.

He said Americans would “stay at home a long time” but that the sacrifice would pay off in lives saved.

He offered the words of encouragement after encouraging Americans to wear cloth masks when venturing out to help stop the spread of COVID-19, which has killed more than 6,800 in the U.S. as of Friday.

America also is reeling from the nearly complete shutdown of business across the country to combat the virus, but funds from the $2.2 trillion economic rescue bill have begun flowing to struggling families and businesses.

Read the rest of the story HERE and follow links to related stories below:

Government will pay for uninsured Americans’ coronavirus treatment: Trump

Trump: Americans can wear face coverings amid coronavirus outbreak — if they want to

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