Jesus' Coming Back

Major Medical Figure Declares To The Public To Prepare For COVID-19 Epidemic 2.0

Dr. Janis Orlowski is the Chief Health Care Officer for the Association of American Medical Colleges. In a recent interview with Politico, she said that the current round of illness from COVID-19 is just the beginning, and that the public needs to prepare for another round of sickness in November or December.

“I believe that we’re going to return to a semi-normal life at the end of May — Memorial Day,” Dr. Orlowski said in an interview for a special coronavirus-focused episode of POLITICO’s Women Rule podcast. “But the other thing that I would say is that we have to prepare ourselves to go through a similar exercise in the fall, in the late fall. If you take a look at the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic, and if you take a look at how coronavirus is acting, this is not just the winter and spring of 2020. Probably late November, by December, we are going to go through this again.

“I believe that we’re going to return to a semi-normal life at the end of May — Memorial Day. But the other thing that I would say is that we have to prepare ourselves to go through a similar exercise in the fall, in the late fall. If you take a look at the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic, and if you take a look at how coronavirus is acting, this is not just the winter and spring of 2020. Probably late November, by December, we are going to go through this again.” (source)

This supports what we at have been saying based on our own research, which is that we suspected later in this year (we have said possibly September), there would be a resurgence of COVID-19 that would be even deadlier than the current round of illness.

It is likely the current round of cases will pass. Having noted this, it is critical for all people to take major medical precautions.

It is very annoying, especially since most have to be out in public, to deal with some of the new procedures. However, since the medical industry refuses to identify what strains of COVID-19 are deadly and what ones are not and where they are, and considering there are eight strains going around right now, one cannot make assumptions with one’s health. Until (and if) data is released to the public, the public needs to assume that all strains are deadly and to minimize social contact. This is simple logic based on the nature of the situation.

In addition, as I have advocated, when one gets one’s “Trump stack” in, one should prepare immediately by purchasing as many goods as one can get with the assumption of another shutdown and disruption to the supply chain. Do this before a crisis happens, that you would be ready to weather the unforeseeable.

Things are going to continue to become more difficult in the US. The way of life known by many people is rapidly disintegrating. There will be a continued devaluation of the currency as people are put out of work, and life will be hard.

The way to survive this period is for people to come together. Now is not the time to fight, but to work as one unit, especially with families or other close units. It will be enough to deal with the virus or bad employment conditions as individual problems. But lacking a close group of people that one directly works with in a communal type setting, similar to what the immigrants of the not recent past and in some cases still do today, it will be very, very difficult to survive in the future as one will not be able to possibly manage all of the rapidly changing, intense circumstances that will swirl around people, instead stripping them of all that they have even to the point of their own deaths.

Learn from the lessons of the past now.

Get your things in order so that you are not caught unprepared.

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Jesus Christ is King

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