Jesus' Coming Back

We Need A White House Task Force On Reopening The Economy

A new task force focused on getting America back to work would be a welcome compliment to the coronavirus task force.

On Saturday President Trump expressed support for the idea, put forth by Fox News’ Dana Perino, of a White House task force focused on reopening the American economy. For several weeks now the White House coronavirus task force, headed up by Vice President Mike Pence has taken center stage as the nation battles the global pandemic. The work of that task force has been superb, but it is limited to the medical front, a second task force focused on the economy would be a welcome addition.

Good idea Dana!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 4, 2020

Thrust into the national spotlight Drs. Deborah Brix and Anthony Fauci have been the guiding force in the White House efforts to stem the outbreaks of Wuhan virus across the country. As medical doctors their sole focus is in reducing transmission of the virus to levels as low as possible. This is noble and important work, but they cannot take into account the legitimate competing interest of avoiding a new great depression as the economy tanks.

The need for that economic interest to be addressed in just as serious a way is dire. In the last two weeks 10 million Americans have their jobs. Some experts believe the unemployment rate could reach 30 percent, a number unheard of in living memory. Meanwhile, according to a recent poll 24 percent of small business owners who have seen their shops closed by the nearly nationwide shutdown expect they will never be able to reopen for business.

What is required and what has been sorely lacking is an effort to balance the medical and economic impact of this crisis. In far too many cases those who even attempt to address the immediate and potentially generational harmful impact this crisis could have on American workers and businesses have been portrayed as heartless ghouls who only care about the stock market, not human lives. But this is not the case.

Read the rest from David Marcus HERE at The Federalist.

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