Jesus' Coming Back

‘In the Name of Jesus’: Texas Sheriffs’ Office Holds Parking Lot Prayer Gathering for Deputy Battling COVID-19

HUMBLE, Texas — The Harris County Sheriff’s Office in Texas held a prayer gathering in a substation parking lot on Wednesday morning as they lifted up one of their own deputies who is in critical condition with COVID-19.

Sgt. Raymond Scholwinski, who works in Precinct 2 in Humble, is currently in the intensive care unit (ICU) after testing positive for the novel coronavirus. He has worked with the Harris County Sheriff’s Office for the past 26 years.

“Raymond Scholwinski is that special person that you rarely meet. There’s not a single person that would ever say anything negative about Raymond,” Capt. Mike Koteras told local television station KPRC. “He and his wife and kids are just a wonderful family, and we’re praying and we’re asking for prayers from everybody.”

The department posted photos of the gathering to social media, and also uploaded a short video to YouTube that featured a prayer for  Scholwinski and family. Two of his sons attended the event.

“Father, we come to You now, and I come to you in the name of Jesus, and I ask you, Father, to touch this family,” Lt. Shannon Bowdoin, a chaplain for the sheriff’s office, prayed. “I especially ask you right now, Lord, to reach down into that hospital room where Ray is … and by Your sovereign strength, power and authority, will You touch every cell of his body?”

He asked for peace and comfort for the family, as he laid his hand on one son, as well as for the sheriff’s department.

“Father, bless each of us with Your presence. Let each of us know that You have never left us nor forsaken us,” Bowdoin said, “and on this Passover day that we would see death pass us over …”

Bryce Scholwinski also spoke to those gathered, urging, “Keep my dad, our family and healthcare workers in your thoughts and prayers.”

Dozens of members from the department and others stood masked and distanced apart outside of their patrol vehicles, many lifting their hands in prayer.

“Under these circumstances, we have to maintain our distance,” Sheriff Ed Gonzalez told television station KHOU. “But we didn’t want to miss this moment to honor Ray and his District 2 family and let them know we are in full support of them.”

According to KPRC, 33 people within the Harris County Sheriff’s Office have been diagnosed with COVID-19.

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