Jesus' Coming Back

Two Monks Die Amid Mass COVID-19 Outbreak At Ukrainian Orthodox Monastery In Kiev

The spread of COVID-19 continues it deadly traverse around the world, sparing none regardless of location. A recent outbreak of the illness took place at a major Ukrainian Orthodox monastery, where two monks have died and ninety-three people have been infected according to Yahoo! News by way of AFP.

Two monks have died and more than 90 people have been infected in a mass coronavirus outbreak at an Orthodox monastery in Kiev, officials said Monday.

A total of 93 cases have been confirmed at the historic Kiev-Pechersk Lavra monastery, 63 of them over the past day, Kiev Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko said.

The cluster of infections makes up almost a fifth of all confirmed cases in the Ukrainian capital.

The virus has torn through the picturesque monastery on the banks of the Dnipro river in central Kiev that has more than 250 inhabitants.

Founded in the 11th century, it is the country’s most important Orthodox shrine and is overseen by the Moscow-aligned Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Archbishop Kliment Vecherya, a Church spokesman, told AFP that two monks have died from COVID-19.

The first monk who died tested negative for the coronavirus but ended up in hospital with severe pneumonia and the doctors confirmed coronavirus infection “based on his symptoms”, the archbishop said.

The second monk died after being hospitalised and testing positive for the virus. (source)

The current conditions for quarantine are annoying. I doubt there is a person who would disagree with this.

However, until (a) strains will be publicly identified and (b) there is a way that the spread of this thing can be contained, the best option to stopping pandemics remains that which have worked throughout history, which is to:

a) close the door
b) lock it
c) survive on what provisions one has
d) wait until it passes

It’s not fun, but death is a lot less fun.

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