Jesus' Coming Back

Will The ‘Big Re-Open’ Become What “Mission Accomplished” and ‘The Economy Has Recovered’ Was For Bush II and Obama?

In 2003, President Bush famously declared “mission accomplished” over the murdering of Saddam Hussein and the invasion of the sovereign nation of Iraq.

For Obama, it was promoting the idea that ‘the economy has recovered around 2009.

Both things never happened. The Iraq war continues, and the economy is worse now than ever.

Now with this COVID-19 virus and people clamoring to leave their homes, and with AP News reporting talk from Trump about ‘starting life again’ threatens his ‘recovery plan’ to be another of what “mission accomplished” and ‘the economy has recovered’ was for Bush and Obama.

President Donald Trump gave governors a road map Thursday for recovering from the economic pain of the coronavirus pandemic, laying out “a phased and deliberate approach” to restoring normal activity in places that have strong testing and are seeing a decrease in COVID-19 cases.

“We’re starting our life again,” Trump said during his daily press briefing. “We’re starting rejuvenation of our economy again.”

He added, “This is a gradual process.”

The new guidelines are aimed at easing restrictions in areas with low transmission of the coronavirus, while holding the line in harder-hit locations. They make clear that the return to normalcy will be a far longer process than Trump initially envisioned, with federal officials warning that some social distancing measures may need to remain in place through the end of the year to prevent a new outbreak. And they largely reinforce plans already in the works by governors, who have primary responsibility for public health in their states.

“You’re going to call your own shots,” Trump told the governors Thursday afternoon in a conference call, according to an audio recording obtained by The Associated Press. “We’re going to be standing alongside of you.”

Places with declining infections and strong testing would begin a three-phase gradual reopening of businesses and schools.

Trump on Thursday claimed the U.S. has “built the most advanced and robust testing anywhere in the world.” But even people close to him warned more would be necessary.

“We are struggling with testing at a large scale,” South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham told ABC’s “The View.” “You really can’t go back to work until we have more tests.” (source)

Right now is probably one of the worst times to “open the economy” again. The governor of Maryland Larry Hogan recently said such, noting that if the economy is “reopened”, it could lead to a mass explosion of new infections in the future that would prompt more shutdowns. In his words, it is one of “the most dangerous times ever”. (source)

The medical experts are saying that the virus will probably last about 18 months. Such is normal with plagues, as they can last for months to a few years.

The economic problems of the country are not being caused by the virus. Rather, the virus is just pointing them out. The problem is the economy, which was intentionally built in such a way that was unsustainable and inherently tending to collapse for the purpose of easy profits, for which is the reason why American business needs to get back to work because it was they who set up- even demanded -the punishing conditions that are causing so many problems, from the enervated salaries to peddling overpriced junk to encouraging and almost forcing waste expenses on the public for their private gain at a socialized loss, and the razor-thin margins of profit to drive out competition while driving massive and debt-fueled expansions.

A lot of the problems right now did not have to happen, and while the common man does have a responsibility, he was largely misguided by those who he trusted.

Perhaps instead of arguing about “the virus”, there needs to be a stronger focus on the so-called “leaders” of society and their past actions whose sum is being seen today.

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Jesus Christ is King

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