Trump: Lockdown Protesters ‘Great People’ Who ‘Want Their Jobs Back’

President Donald Trump on Sunday continued to defend protesters of overbearing state lockdowns during the coronavirus pandemic.
“These are great people … They’ve got cabin fever they want to get back. They want their life back; their life was taken away from them,” Trump said.
Trump was asked by USA Today‘s David Jackson if he is concerned his calls for “liberation” and defending the Second Amendment are “inciting violence” against some of the Democrat governors who enacted the lockdowns.
But the president defended the protesters as patriotic.
“I’ve seen American flags all over the place. I’ve never seen so many American flags at a rally than I’ve seen at those rallies,” Trump said. “These people love our country. They want to get back to work.”
When Jackson asked about alleged “Nazi flags” at the rally, Trump denied seeing any.
“That, I totally would say, ‘No way,’” Trump said. “I didn’t see that … of course, I’m sure the news plays that up.”
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