Jesus' Coming Back

‘A Great Need’ to Distribute Food to Families: Serving Uganda’s Poor During COVID-19 Pandemic

Uganda (Mission Network News) For those living in poverty, government COVID-19 restrictions are more than a setback; they mean real physical struggles. The poor in Uganda are no exception.

Bill Passons with AMG International says, “One of the challenges that we’re having, is that we still serve a very vulnerable people group. Most of the people groups, most of the people, that we serve are disadvantaged and live in poverty. Lack of access to work, not being able to move around to be able to get things that they need is a real challenge.”

Passons says that with the Ugandan lockdown currently extending to May 5th, people used to living meager paycheck to meager paycheck are hit especially hard. As in other countries, all travel and business has been halted except for necessities such as pre-approved visits to supermarkets and medical facilities. AMG’s nursing school and child and youth development center are both shut down as well.

However, work is not at a standstill. With studies and public gatherings suspended, AMG has sought new ways to serve. Through coordinators at the development center, they network with families in need, keeping in touch about pressing needs and changes in job status.

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