‘God Healed Me’: Seminary President’s 93-Year-Old Mother-in-Law Praises God After Surviving COVID-19
NEW ORLEANS (Baptist Press) — “Hope for the best; plan for the worst” was the warning the hospice doctor gave Joyce Harrington, 93, at a New Orleans hospital when she was admitted with COVID-19 symptoms March 25.
The doctor delivered the same dire warning over the phone to Harrington’s daughters — Rhonda Harrington Kelley, wife of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary President Emeritus Chuck Kelley, and Mitzi Woodson, whose husband is a medical doctor in Oklahoma.
“Really, the doctor told me I wasn’t going to make it,” Harrington said. “So, I just talked to the Lord. I said, ‘Lord, I’m ready right now. I’m ready to see the angels come after me.’”
The doctor’s warning proved unnecessary. After 14 days in the hospital, Harrington is recovering in a skilled nursing center, breathing on her own and gaining strength.
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