Jesus' Coming Back

WHO Declares That Lifting The Quarantine Now Will Cause A Worse Spread Of The Virus In The Future

Pandemics are fun for no one, but political will cannot change the nature of them. As has warned, very little is understood about COVID-19, and the tremendous amount of disinformation is a serious threat to getting a proper understanding of the virus and being able to help people. As always, caution is encouraged before action. However, many people do not understand, agree with, or appreciate this, and as a result many are upset and want to ‘get back to work’ when there is much more happening here. Business Insider reports that the World Health Organization, which Trump has heavily criticized, is warning that if quarantine procedures are not followed, a future outbreak of this disease could be worse than the current one.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organization, warned on Monday that “the worst is yet ahead of us” if the world doesn’t unite to fight the coronavirus pandemic.

“Without national unity and global solidarity, trust us, the worst is yet ahead of us,” he said during a press briefing.

Tedros compared the virus to the 1918 flu that killed 675,000 people in the US and tens of millions of people around the world. But he argued that the world now has the technology to prevent “that kind of crisis.”

“Let’s prevent this tragedy,” he said. “It’s a virus that many people still don’t understand.” (source)

Unfortunately, many people are not willing to wait. Instead, people have been protesting and even going so far as to wave guns in public to advocate for their cause, such as what happened recently in Pennsylvania.

There are a lot of upset people. It is very understandable. However, one cannot rush pandemics lest one make them worse, and unfortunately, there are many, especially in the American right, who are trying to forcibly “rush” through this.

Perhaps instead of getting mad at the WHO and doctors, people could get angry with corporations who forced policies whereby reducing wages and creating unsustainable supply chains for short-term profit, they destroyed the ability of the average man to save money and plan for future issues.

Perhaps some of that rage would be better directed at the particular individuals in finance, business, industry, and information services who have been robbing the public in the name of patriotism and have been able to acquire billions of dollars.

Perhaps some of that rage would be better spent looking at who is encouraging these protests and who pays them, and seeing if names or groups tied to these same individuals in finance, business, industry, and information services overlap.

But that will not be encouraged, because that might lead to a real change.

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