Jesus' Coming Back

Astonishing Photos Show Birth of Second Most Premature Twin Babies Ever to Survive

(Metro) These jaw-dropping photos show the moment the second most premature babies ever to survive arrived into the world. Twin sisters Makayla and Makenzie Pope arrived at 22 weeks and three days, with doctors warning their mother Tracey Hernandez, from Durham in North Carolina, that they had zero chance of survival.

Astonishing snaps taken at their birth shows one of the infants still in their amniotic sac as they were delivered at Duke University Hospital in Durham on December 8, 2019, with Makenzie weighing just 1 pound 1 ounce and Makalya arriving slightly heavier, at 1 pound 3 ounces. The little girls were born so prematurely that their skin was transparent, and their eyes were fused shut.

And despite the warnings from doctors, the baby sisters have thrived, with their excited parents set to take them home next month.

Their mother, Tracey Hernandez, 33, said: “When I went into labor they told me the survival rate for them was 0%. They said that babies born at less than 23 weeks just don’t make it. … They are a creation of God and I have watched them develop outside the womb.”

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