1993 CNN Clip of Biden Accuser’s Mother Calling Larry King Vanishes from Google Play Catalog

A clip from a 1993 episode of CNN’s Larry King Live featuring the mother of Biden accuser Tara Reade has seemingly been removed from the Google Play catalog.
The clip is an important piece of information in Reade’s allegation that Biden sexually assaulted her in the same year, as it supports her claim that she told her mother about the incident. In the clip, Reade’s mother appears to be discussing an incident involving her senator and her daughter, without naming either.
The clip can be found on Twitter:
BREAKING: Is this the mother of Joe Biden’s accuser talking to CNN in 1993? pic.twitter.com/rF7jw35s2F
— MediaResearchCenter (@theMRC) April 24, 2020
Reade’s mother passed away in 2016, but Reade has confirmed to multiple media organizations that she recognizes the voice of the woman speaking to King as her mother. CNN claims it cannot corroborate that the person in the clip is Reade’s mother.
Fox News confirmed that the August 11, 1993 episode of Larry King Live appears to have vanished from the Google Play catalog.
Via Fox:
Twitter user J.L. Hamilton shared a screenshot showing the Aug. 11, 1993, broadcast of “Larry King Live” was no longer listed in the season three catalog of the iconic CNN talk show. Mysteriously, though, the Aug. 10 broadcast, which is listed as “Episode 154” is followed by the Aug. 12 broadcast, which is listed as “Episode 155,” suggesting that episode and the ones that follow could be incorrectly listed and off by a number.
Fox News later verified the Aug. 11 episode is not listed on the streaming service. It is unclear when it was removed from the catalog.
CNN spokesman Matt Dornic said the accusation that the clip had been taken down was “total BS,” adding that listings on the site are not sourced from the network.
“We do not have a distro deal for [Larry King Live] w/ Google play,” said Dornic. “Listings on the site are not sourced [through] CNN. True for [Fox News] programs too.”
This is B.S. CNN didn’t remove anything. We do not have a distro deal for LKL w/ Google Play. Listings on the site are not sourced thru CNN. Click any episode, it will say “not available to watch.” True for @foxnews programs too. I’ll wait 4 ur correction & apology. Screenshots: pic.twitter.com/Lb2ZJw3kcX
— Matt Dornic (@mdornic) April 26, 2020
Google has yet to respond to Breitbart News’ request for comment.
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Allum Bokhari is the senior technology correspondent at Breitbart News.
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