Jesus' Coming Back

Teen Challenge Co-Founder Don Wilkerson Recovers From Coronavirus

NEW YORK (Missions Box) The Teen Challenge addiction recovery ministry opened the doors of its first facility in Brooklyn, New York in 1960. Founded in 1958 by brothers David and Don Wilkerson in 1950, Teen Challenge rose to prominence with the publication of David’s book, “The Cross and the Switchblade,” in 1963. …

David Wilkerson died at the age of 79 in 2011. Younger brother Don, now 80 years old, recently passed through a life and death experience.

Following a visit to the Brooklyn Adult & Teen Challenge center in March, Don became so ill that it took all the strength he had just to walk or talk. That was just about the time we began to become more fully aware of the coronavirus pandemic. Don was taken to a hospital, diagnosed with pneumonia, and tested for COVID-19.

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