Jesus' Coming Back

Zimbabwe Information Minister Calls Chinese “Dog Eat[ers]” Tells Them ‘Eat Beef Instead’

Racism can be done by anybody in any place. It is not limited to any one race. This was evidenced in a statement by the Information Minister for the country of Zimbabwe, who called Chinese people “dog eaters” and said they should eat beef instead in a recent tweet.

A Zimbabwe Minister has sparked controversy after offering to export beef to China, because he wants the Chinese to stop eating “dogs, cats, snakes, bats, monkeys, baboons and other wildlife”.

Energy Mutodi who is a member of the ruling Zanu PF party and the Deputy Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services said that the consumption of wildlife in Asia and some parts of Africa is the reason why humans are contracting diseases such as the coronavirus (Covid-19) and Ebola. Mutodi then cheekily said that Zimbabwe was hoping to export huge amounts of beef to China, Indonesia and other Asian countries in an effort to stop this.

To buttress his point, the minister shared a video from Aljazeera News which showed a wet market in China where things like snakes, dogs and some other wildlife are being openly displayed for sale. In the video, the World Health Organisation (WHO) is calling on Asian countries to institute stricter standards for safety and hygiene when the wet markets reopen. (source)

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