Jesus' Coming Back

McConnell: Infrastructure ‘Unrelated’ to Pandemic, We Shouldn’t Borrow to Pay for It

On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Your World,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) stated that he isn’t interested in borrowing money to pay for an infrastructure bill, infrastructure is “unrelated to the coronavirus pandemic,” and the Senate will pass an infrastructure bill that is “more modest” at a later point.

McConnell said, “Well, we have an equal interest in doing an infrastructure bill. We don’t have an equal interest in borrowing money from future generations to pay for it. In other words, it’s unrelated to the coronavirus pandemic, which is the reason we have run up the national debt $2.8 trillion. So, I agree with the president, infrastructure’s important. I just don’t believe that we should be borrowing, adding to the national debt. We’ve added $2.8 trillion to the national debt in the last month. I just don’t think that’s the path to getting an infrastructure bill. I do agree with him that we need to do that. We’re going to pass a more modest infrastructure bill in the Senate in the near future since we’re coming back to work next Monday.”

He added that the next round of economic stimulus will not include infrastructure.

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Jesus Christ is King

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