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Record Number Have Called about Abortion Pill Reversal Process amid Pandemic, Pro-Life Group Says

Record Number Have Called about Abortion Pill Reversal Process amid Pandemic, Pro-Life Group Says

The Abortion Pill Rescue Network, a group that helps women try to reverse the effects of the abortion pill, says it has had a record number of calls.

“We are now seeing over 80% of our callers start the reversal process,” Andrea Trudden, communications director for Heartbeat International, told Live Action.

Heartbeat International oversees the Abortion Pill Rescue Network, The Christian Post reports.

In March, 105 mothers started the process to try to stop the chemically induced abortion from the abortion pill, RU-486.

The increase in calls likely stems from stay-at-home orders because of the coronavirus pandemic. In many states, abortion clinics have been ordered to close.

“We understand this is a stressful time for many, and some women are starting chemical abortion because that is the only option they can see,” Trudden said.

Trudden said many of the calls come from “the abortion facility parking lot or from the car on the drive home because the regret is immediate.”

The abortion pill, mifepristone, blocks the progesterone hormone. A second pill, Misoprostol, causes contractions, cramps and the passing of pregnancy tissue.

“If a mother who changes her mind after beginning a chemical abortion receives supplemental progesterone before taking the second pill, there is a chance to save the baby’s life and continue with a normal pregnancy,” Live Action said in a statement.

“The abortion industry has attempted to discredit the abortion pill reversal process and is using the pandemic to push for expanding dangerous telemedicine abortions,” Live Action added.

In 2019, the movie Unplanned was released. The movie tells the story of a former Planned Parenthood clinic director who takes the pills for a chemical abortion. The woman, Abby Johnson, later became a pro-life advocate.

“We believe that abortion strips women of their dignity,” Johnson writes on her website. “We believe that motherhood is empowering. We believe that not conforming and giving into societal pressures when it comes to femininity is empowering. We believe that justice applies to every single human being on this earth.”

Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Henadzi Pechan

Amanda Casanova is a writer living in Dallas, Texas. She has covered news for since 2014. She has also contributed to The Houston Chronicle, U.S. News and World Report and She blogs at The Migraine Runner.


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