Jesus' Coming Back

Trump Declares “I Am Not F-cking Losing To Joe Biden”

President Trump is known for making many colorful statements. According to a recent statement reported on by the Associated Press, Trump said “I am not f-cking losing to Joe Biden”.

President Donald Trump erupted at his top political advisers last week when they presented him with worrisome polling data that showed his support eroding in a series of battleground states as his response to the coronavirus comes under criticism.

As the virus takes its deadly toll and much of the nation’s economy remains shuttered, new surveys by the Republican National Committee and Trump’s campaign pointed to a harrowing picture for the president as he faces reelection.

While Trump saw some of the best approval ratings of his presidency during the early weeks of the crisis, aides highlighted the growing political cost of the crisis and the unforced errors by Trump in his freewheeling press briefings.

Trump reacted with defiance, incredulous that he could be losing to someone he viewed as a weak candidate.

“I am not f—-ing losing to Joe Biden,” he repeated in a series of heated conference calls with his top campaign officials, according to five people with knowledge of the conversations. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about private discussions.

The message to the president was sobering: Trump was trailing the former Democratic vice president in many key battleground states, he was told, and would have lost the Electoral College if the election had been held earlier this month. (source)

Perhaps this is the reason why there has been such a push for mail-in and electronic voter ballots. Many have commented that such a system is highly prone to manipulation, and in such a case, could be used to put Trump into office because it may come to a point where this needs to happen to see to his re-election.

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