Jesus' Coming Back

Children’s TV Ministry Aims to Educate, Encourage Youth in the Middle East, North Africa During Pandemic

MENA (Mission Network News) Stay at home orders are difficult for everyone, but even more so for those with little control, such as refugees and children. Despite these restrictions, SAT-7, a satellite TV ministry to the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), continues to bring the hope of the gospel to those most in limbo from COVID-19 restrictions. …

Katerina Parpa with SAT-7 says, “Well, SAT-7 as a whole, is a holistic ministry. Meaning that we cater to all the needs – spiritual and educational and development needs – of our viewers. So, the programming that we’ve been broadcasting these past five weeks that we’ve been in lockdown has been focused on instructional. It’s educating children on hygiene, on washing hands, but at the same time we’re bringing the spiritual element into it.” …

Many of the problems both refugee and non-refugee children face day to day are increased during this time, including the risk of increased domestic violence, uncertain provisions, and more.

“Right now children are, depending on their circumstances, depending on their family, depending on the spiritual maturity of their parents – they might be at a point where they feel like all they have is Jesus in their life,” Parpa notes.

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