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Sweden, Which Refused To Lock Down, Now Has Massive Spike In COVID-19 Cases

Sweden declared that in spite of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, she refused to lock down. Now, Business Insider reports she is surprise that she has a high death rate from the illness.

The man leading Sweden’s coronavirus response says the country’s elevated death toll “really came as a surprise to us.”

Dr. Anders Tegnell, Sweden’s state epidemiologist, appeared on “The Daily Show with Trevor Noah” on Tuesday, when he described the country’s controversial approach.

“We never really calculated with a high death toll initially, I must say,” he said.

“We calculated on more people being sick, but the death toll really came as a surprise to us.”

As of Tuesday, Sweden reported more than 2,700 COVID-19 deaths and more than 23,000 infections. That death toll is far higher than its Nordic neighbors’ and many other countries that locked down.
Anders Tegnell Trevor Noah

Tegnell with Trevor Noah on “The Daily Show.” YouTube/The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

Tegnell said there were good points to Sweden’s unusual strategy, which largely relies on people to socially distance without fixed rules.

But he acknowledged: “I am not saying we are successful in all different ways. I mean our death toll is really something we worry a lot about.” (source)

What surprise is there to be had?

Exposure was increased by a lot. People got sick. What else does one want to say?

This thing is not a joke. Please pray for the health of all, and while one is able to, make good decisions about health and safety so as to slow the spread.

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