Jesus' Coming Back

Syria Faces Triple Threat: Coronavirus, Food Crisis, and Islamic State

Photo Credit: Alexas Fotos/Pixabay

Syria (Mission Network News) — The pandemic is making life in Syria even more difficult. Syrians can’t get the essentials they need. Plus, the Islamic State is launching a new wave of terror.

A few weeks ago, the Syrian government issued a nationwide lockdown. Nuna from Triumphant Mercy Lebanon tells Mission Network News, “Every city is blocked, so they can’t even go from a city to a city; the roads are blocked.”

According to Human Rights Watch, the current travel restrictions mean aid workers can’t reach people who need help in northern Syria. Plus, food prices have reached an all-time high; the costs of daily essentials more than doubled in the past 12 months.

“People are just bringing food with trucks and these people who are selling food, they’re putting the prices they want so people can’t afford the bread,” Nuna says.

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