Jesus' Coming Back

WE TOLD YOU SO: Modi Working With US To Divest From China, Move Manufacturing To India has repeatedly insisted that Trump meeting with President Modi of India, a well-known Hindu nationalist with ties through the BJP to infamous Hindu terrorist groups such as Bajrang Dal, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, following the outbreak of COVID-19 was not an accident. To the contrary, it was intentional because as I noted, the virus would be used as an excuse to blame China (regardless of her role in the spread of the disease) and transfer US manufacturing to India, a process I said was quietly happening before but only to increase the speed. The reason for this is because in the coming global conflict, the US wants to pit China against India on her southwestern border while with Japan in the northeast, rebellions in southeast Asia, and rebellions in Turkestan (Xinjiang and parts Central Asia) with a Russia who will not help China is a perfect recipe for her destruction.

Now it is true that a lot of Christians in India will suffer because of this, since the Nationalists will use a war with China to indulge in their own massacres of Christians in India. But the US doesn’t care about this, even though she knows it will happen, because just like with Poland or even the Jews during World War II, helping people is at best secondary to America, which consistently places political expedience first. predicted this transfer of companies would be sooner rather than later. Now according to a recent story from MSN News, India is in talks with Trump to transfer the manufacture of goods in China to India, just as we predicted.

India is seeking to lure U.S. businesses, including medical devices giant Abbott Laboratories, to relocate from China as President Donald Trump’s administration steps up efforts to blame Beijing for its role in the coronavirus pandemic.

The government in April reached out to more than 1,000 companies in the U.S. and through overseas missions to offer incentives for manufacturers seeking to move out of China, according to Indian officials who asked not to be identified, citing rules on speaking with the media. India is prioritizing medical equipment suppliers, food processing units, textiles, leather and auto part makers among more than 550 products covered in the discussions, they said.

Trump’s move to blame China for its handling of the Covid-19 outbreak, which has killed more than a quarter-million people worldwide, is expected to worsen global trade ties as companies and governments move resources out of the world’s second-largest economy to diversify supply chains. Japan has earmarked $2.2 billion to help shift factories from its neighbor, while European Union members plan to cut dependence on Chinese suppliers.

India expects to win over U.S. companies involved in healthcare products and devices, and is in talks with Medtronic Plc and Abbott Laboratories on relocating their units to the country, an official said. Medtronic spokesman Ben Petok and Abbott spokeswoman Darcy Ross didn’t immediately respond to emails seeking comment.

Both Medtronic and Abbott have a presence in India, which may make it easier for them to move their China supply chains to the country, according to an official. They’re based out of financial center Mumbai and already work with large Indian hospital groups.

Officials have told companies that India is more economical in terms of securing land and affordable skilled labor than if they moved back to the U.S. or Japan, even if overall costs are still higher than China. They have also offered an assurance that India will consider specific requests on changes to labor laws, which have proved a major stumbling block for companies, and said the government is considering a request from e-commerce companies to postpone a tax on digital transactions introduced in this year’s budget.

India’s trade ministry spokesman didn’t respond to an email seeking comment on the effort to lure U.S. companies.

The push by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government comes as India tries to regain lost ground after many companies chose countries like Vietnam over India as an alternative destination when Trump started his trade war with China. Modi has tried to shore up U.S. investments and improve ties through corporate tax cuts, two massive public rallies with Trump in Houston and India, and a $3 billion defense deal. (source)

I am not happy this prediction is coming true. I would rather it did not happen because this is not an issue of China versus the USA, but rather about the coming together of geopolitical forces that will result in war and a lot of innocent people being murdered.

Ultimately, the US doesn’t care about you, the citizen, or anybody else. What we are seeing here is a strategic move in a game of power. The major bankers, industrialists, and now data managers are setting up pieces on a chessboard to guarantee victory in the future over China.

People talk about what happened with China and the virus, but what is going to happen is a lot worse. China has a history of being invaded, and far from “invading America”, China is likely going to get invaded and people in the highest ranks of the CCP know this and want to deny it. With the US backing the revival of Japanese nationalism, and now India, there is no way that China will be able to maintain control over her nation, which in spite of all her progress she barely holds together. She cannot count on the Russians because in spite of what the Russians say, they hate the Chinese and would be far more willing to cut a deal with the Japanese to keep them out of Siberia than to risk losing Siberia to future attempts at territorial claims by the Chinese, something which they have been presently on guard against.

A lot of people are going to die in Asia. Possibly billions.

Please, for the sake of all that is good, pray for the Christians of India and China, and all people in Asia about the coming war, which is becoming more serious with each day and may culminate in something by the end of the decade.

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Jesus Christ is King

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