Trump’s Failure Son-In-Law Jared Kushner Makes Pre-Emptive Declaration Against Lockdown
President Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner is similar to King Midas, but while everything that Midas touched turned to gold, it seems that everything which Kushner touches falls apart. The interesting irony of this is that it is said that Kushner functions similar to how Dick Cheney operated under the Presidency of Bush II. Just as Cheney ran the country then, numerous sources have suggested that it is Kushner who runs the country today.
Kushner has been attributed to having made many disastrous decisions, but possibly the worst one so far has been his response to COVID-19, where Jared has downplayed the role of the virus in affecting society and its danger to the public. His lizard-like, callous personality and sour expression in addition to allegation of comments made in private suggesting the same have not helped him either.
Now according to Business Insider, it appears that Kushner may have made another disastrous decision, which is making a pre-emptive declaration against further economic shutdowns to stop the spread of COVID-19 by saying that it will be “very hard for America to lock down again.”
Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and top White House adviser, predicted that once states across the country loosen social distancing requirements and reopen businesses, it will be “very hard” for the country to shut down again, even if the coronavirus resurges.
“I really believe that once America opens up, it’ll be very hard for America to lock down again,” Kushner, who is helping lead the White House pandemic response, told TIME in an interview released Tuesday evening.
Trump and his allies, including Kushner, are pushing for a swift reopening of the economy as more then 30 million Americans are newly unemployed. But top health experts, including those leading the administration’s coronavirus task force, say many states aren’t prepared to prevent a resurgance of the virus.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, warned during a Senate hearing on Tuesday that if states aren’t able to effectively mitigate new outbreaks, the reopening process will be dangerously uncontrolled.
“The consequences could be really serious if cities, states, or what have you jump over those various checkpoints and prematurely open up, without having the capability of being able to respond effectively and efficiently,” Fauci said.
Most of these 30 states that are already reopening or looking to relax social distancing soon haven’t met the Trump administration’s national guidelines to do so, according to a recent New York Times analysis.
On April 29, Kushner declared that the federal government’s response to the pandemic had been “a great success story” and said he hopes that, by July, the country will be “really rocking again.” The comments provoked ridicule as the virus continued to spread across the country and surge in areas that had avoided early outbreaks. (source)
Of all of Kushner’s statements, this may come back to bite him the hardest. has reported based on the analyses of numerous experts that there is a strong possibility of a resurgence of COVID-19 in the fall. This is a grave concern because of the economic effects it would have for so many people, and yet the society must prepare for it. By contrast, Kushner’s attitude toward it seems to be to brush off the seriousness of what may happen and instead emphasize the idea that the “economy” needs to get back working.
What economy does Kushner want to work? It has already been eviscerated and it is not getting better. If anything there will be further layoffs and economic downsizing. This is going to worsen as the year carries on. It would not be a surprise if 50% of the country was left unemployed in the future.
Yet what does Kushner say? That states would find it “very difficult” to lockdown again, when it might be an imperative of public health?
What does Kushner care more about- the “economy” or human lives? He answer clearly seems to be the former and not the latter, and the utter arrogance and contempt for the public which Kushner portrays is only going to worsen the divide between the left and the right, setting the nation up for a massive political counterswing in a few years just has hard as it was when it first swung in 2016 for Trump.
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