Jesus' Coming Back

Albania Bends Over And Opens The Way For The Sodomite Agenda By Banning Anti-Sodomite Therapy

There are many questions about the so-called “gay conversion therapy”, but what matters more is the concept that people who have problems with sodomite behavior can be helped with psychological treatment. Thus banning this particular therapy is a political statement of support of the sodomite agenda as it is also a way to ban people from trying to provide psychological help to sodomites to help them stop sodomizing each other.

Malta is the most sodomitically inclined nation in Europe, and is considered to be a sodomite tourist spot. They were the first to ban such therapeutic practices, and it is not a surprise that Germany also followed, since Germany is also very sodomitically inclined. But according to France24, a surprise has come from Albania, as the small Balkan nation is the next on the continent to ban the practice.

Albania’s psychologists have banned so-called “conversion therapy”, which tries to change the sexual orientation of young LGBT people, a move hailed on Saturday by the country’s rights groups.

The decision by Albania’s order of psychologists on Friday is “significantly important for LGBTI adolescents”, the gay rights association Pink Embassy said in a statement.

All registered therapists in Albania must be members of the order of psychologists. Its decisions are final and “legally valid”, Pink Embassy head Altin Hazizaj told AFP.

“This is the final decision which does not need to go through either the legislative or executive to enter into force,” said Hazizaj.

Pink Embassy claims that parents often “force” adolescents to undergo conversion therapy.

“Although reports of the use of such therapies in Albania have been small, allowing them has been a serious concern.”

Data from other countries show that people who have experienced the therapy are 8.4 times more likely to commit suicide, the NGO said.

Also, they are 5.9 times more exposed to high levels of depression.

Medical experts consider psychological or spiritual interventions to change someone’s sexual orientation pseudo-scientific, ineffective and often harmful.

The most controversial techniques involve administering electric shocks as subjects view images of homosexual acts or injections of the male hormone testosterone.

In March 2018, the European parliament passed a resolution condemning the practice and urging member states to ban it.

Earlier this month Germany became the second European country after Malta to ban conversion therapy for minors. (source)

It would be interesting to know what role Germany or German groups may have had in this. Albania was invaded by Italy in 1939 as a part of the events that year that brought about the Second World War, and many Albanians served the Reich.

Is there a greater plot taking place here? Time will only tell, but we do know that the support of the sodomite agenda, the nationalist movements, and military-intelligence related operations coming from the USA and NATO all seem to overlap with it, so one cannot help but wonder about what else may be happening but is not presently visible to the public that is also taking place.

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