Jesus' Coming Back

Islamic Terrorists Butcher Thirty In Nigeria

More violence is coming out of Nigeria, as the International Christian concern reports that thirty more people have been murdered by Islamic terrorists.

International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that Fulani militants conducted a major attack, beginning late in the evening on May 11, on the community of Gonan Rogo in Kaduna State, Nigeria, as well as four other villages. Despite the government lockdown to curtail the spread of COVID-19, Fulani militants continued to move freely and attacked five villages in Kajuru local council area of Kaduna State during three successive days, leaving 30 people dead.

In a press release on May 12, the Southern Kaduna People’s Union (SOKAPU) stated that a total of 17 people were killed in Gonan Rogo village, including an entire family of five. “The armed Fulani militia [struck] around 11:30 p.m. They broke into the home of Jonathan Yakubu, 40, and slaughtered him. They also killed his wife, Sheba Yakubu, 32, and hacked to death their only three children, Patience, 13, Revelation, 6, and Rejoice, 4, thus wiping out the entire Yakubu household.”

During a visit to Gonan Rogo village, leaders of SOKAPU saw “firsthand the horror inflicted on the poor Adara village, 64 km away from Kaduna metropolis on the Kaduna – Kachia road.” The 17 people killed in Gonan Rogo were either shot or hacked to death with machetes. A 25-year-old nursing mother, was found dead from a gunshot wound, cuddling her three-month-old baby who, miraculously, was still alive though partly hit by a bullet. Six other people were also injured in the attack. A mass burial was held yesterday at Gonan Rogo village for those killed.

While Gonan Rogo was grieving and mourning, on the evening of May 12, the Fulani militants attacked three other Adara Christian villages, Ungwan Mudi, Ungan Rana, and Idanu, and burned down several houses. Two people were killed. On the morning of May 13, the militants attacked yet another Adara Christian village, Makyali, firing sporadic gunshots and killing eleven. A local representative of the communities named Usman Stingo said, “Today, (May 14), we are at the grave site at Makyali, holding a mass burial for those killed yesterday. We are waiting for the body of one person being brought from the other village which was found in the bush.” All those killed and those who suffered injuries belong to various churches throughout the region. (source)


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