Jesus' Coming Back

Who are Israel’s newest ministers?

>Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: Israel’s longest serving prime minister, first elected to Knesset in 1988, has served as foreign minister and finance minister
>Finance Minister Israel Katz: Served as transportation minister for a decade and foreign minister for a year
>Health Minister Yuli Edelstein: Former minister of immigrant absorption, public diplomacy and Diaspora affairs who also served as Knesset speaker for seven years
>Education MinisterYoav Galant: Netanyahu disappoints Nir Barkat by giving education portfolio to Galant, former construction minister
Energy Minister: Not appointed yet
>Internal Security Minister Amir Ohana: Served as justice minister, considered close to Netanyahu and his family
>Transportation Minister Miri Regev: Served as IDF spokeswoman and minister of culture and sports, considered close to Netanyahu and his wife Sara
>Environmental Protection Minister Gila Gamliel: Former student leader who served as social equality minister
>Intelligence Services Minister: Eli Cohen: Served as economy minister and MK in Moshe Kahlon’s Kulanu party
>Regional Cooperation Minister Ophir Akunis: Served as science and technology minister and social welfare minister, former Netanyahu aide
>Ministerial Liaison to the Knesset David Amsalem: Served as communications minister and coalition chairman and member of Jerusalem city council
>Deputy Health Minister Yoav Kisch: Former Air Force combat pilot who headed Knesset’s Land of Israel caucus
>Deputy Internal Security Minister Gadi Yevarkan: Ethiopian immigrant activist who jumped ship from Blue and White ahead of the March election
>Knesset Social Welfare Committee chairman Haim Katz: Former social welfare minister and union leader
>Knesset Corona Committee chairwoman Yifat Shasha Biton: A resident of Kiryat Shmona, she served as construction minister and MK in Moshe Kahlon’s Kulanu party Blue and White
>Vice Prime Minister and Defense Minister Benny Gantz: Blue and White head set to become prime minister in November 2021 in coalition deal, Former IDF chief of staff
>Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi: Former IDF chief of staff whose entry into politics facilitated the formation of Blue and White
>Justice Minister Avi Nissenkorn: Head of Blue and White faction in the Knesset and former chairman of the Histadrut Labor Federation
>Culture and Sports Minister Chili Tropper: Former Gantz adviser and Labor Knesset candidate who has held municipal posts in Yeruham and Bat Yam and ran a school in Ramle
>Immigrant Absorption Minister Pnina Tamano-Shata: Israel’s first Ethiopian-born minister made aliya with her family at age three, attorney and former journalist
>Science and Technology Minister Izhar Shay: Successful hi-tech entrepreneur and venture capitalist who launched and sold multiple start-ups with hefty exits
>Agriculture Minister Alon Shuster: Farmer from Kibbutz Mefalsim on the Gaza border who served as mayor of the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council
>Social Equality Minister Meirav Cohen: Activist known for helping the elderly, former member of the Jerusalem city council, was a Knesset candidate with Tzipi Livni’s Hatnua party
>Minister in the Defense Ministry Michael Biton: Former Yeruham mayor, director of the United Israel Appeal (Canada) and the Jewish Agency’s Beersheba branch
>Tourism Minister Assaf Zamir: Lawyer and former deputy mayor of Tel Aviv, who challenged incumbent Ron Huldai unsuccessfully in 2018 
>Strategic Affairs Minister Orit Farkash Hakohen: Lawyer and regulator who headed the Israel Electric Corporation and earned a degree from Harvard University
>Diaspora Affairs Minister Omer Yankelevich: Israel’s first haredi (ultra-Orthodox) minister, who studied at Cambridge
Minister of Minorities: Not appointed yet
>Knesset House Committee head Eitan Ginzburg: Former mayor of Ra’anana who headed the Knesset committee that legislated the bills needed to form the government
>Knesset Interior and Environment Committee head Miki Haimovich: Environmental activist and former news anchor-woman
>Knesset Education Committee head Ram Shefa: Former chairman of the National Union of Israeli Students Shas
>Interior Minister and Negev and Galilee Development Minister Arye Deri: Shas leader, Israel’s most veteran minister, first sworn in to the cabinet in December 1988
>Religious Services Minister Ya’acov Avitan: Rabbi and deputy mayor of Ashkelon United Torah Judaism
>Construction and Housing Minister Ya’acov Litzman: UTJ leader, long-time health minister, representative of Gerrer hassidic sect Labor
>Economy Minister Amir Peretz: Former defense minister, environment minister and Histadrut Labor Federation chairman
>Welfare and Social Services Minister Itzik Shmuli: Former National Union of Israeli Students chairman who led socioeconomic protests in 2011 Derech Eretz
>Communications Minister Yoaz Hendel: Former journalist and Netanyahu spokesman, co-authored Israel vs. Iran: The Shadow War with Jerusalem Post editor Yaakov Katz
>Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee chairman Tzvi Hauser: Former cabinet secretary of Netanyahu Gesher
>Community Strengthening and Advancement Minister Orly Levy-Abecassis: Daughter of former foreign minister David Levy

Bayit Yehudi

>Jerusalem Affairs and Heritage Minister Rafi Peretz: Former Air Force pilot, education minister, and IDF chief rabbi

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