Jesus' Coming Back

Navarro: China Deliberately Allowed Coronavirus to Spread Outside Its Borders

During an interview broadcast on Friday’s edition of the Fox Business Network’s “WSJ at Large,” White House Trade Adviser Peter Navarro stated that China deliberately allowed the coronavirus to spread to the rest of the world and that the virus “could have been contained in Wuhan.”

Navarro said, “China hid the virus behind the shield of the World Health Organization, and that was a time, Gerry, when that virus could have been contained in Wuhan. Instead, what China did was put hundreds of thousands of Wuhanians and Chinese on planes that were allowed to go to Milan and New York and elsewhere, but not to Beijing and Shanghai.”

Host Gerry Baker asked Navarro if he was saying, “China, quite deliberately, shutting off some — a lot of domestic travel, but allowing international travel, quite deliberately knew how serious this was and allowed the virus to be exported, along with a lot of other Chinese exports to the United States and elsewhere?”

Navarro responded, “That’s a matter of fact. It should not be in dispute.”

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