Jesus' Coming Back

“They came to kill the mothers.” Islamic Terrorists Enter Maternity Ward And Slaughter Mothers On Their Hospital Beds And Murder Two Newborns

By Theodore Shoebat

“They came to kill the mothers” were the words of Frederic Bonnot, the head of Doctors Without Borders in Afghanistan, when he spoke about how Islamic terrorists entered a maternity ward and murdered mothers on their beds and even butchered two newborns. The AP reported on this horrifying story:

A U.S. official said Friday the Islamic State affiliate in Afghanistan carried out this week’s horrific attack on a maternity hospital in a majority Shiite Muslim neighborhood in Kabul, killing 24 people including newborn babies and mothers.

Peace envoy Zalmay Khalilzad said the U.S. government believes the Islamic State affiliate carried out Tuesday’s attack on the hospital and an assault earlier the same day in a different province targeting the funeral of a pro-government warlord killing 34 people.

ISIS-K “has demonstrated a pattern for favoring these types of heinous attacks against civilians and is a threat to the Afghan people and to the world,” Khalilzad tweeted.

ISIS-K has not claimed responsibility for the maternity hospital attack.

Also on Friday, Paris-based charity Doctors without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres), which operates the hospital, called the attack “pure hell.” It said the gunmen moved directly to the maternity wards, ignoring other medical units closer to the entrance of the medical complex. They were searching out the newborns and the mothers, the group said in a statement Friday.

“They went through the rooms in the maternity, shooting women in their beds. It was methodical. Walls sprayed with bullets, blood on the floors in the rooms, vehicles burnt out and windows shot through,” said Frederic Bonnot, MSF’s head of programs in Afghanistan. “They came to kill the mothers.”

The IS affiliate in Afghanistan, known as Islamic State Khorazan Province, is headquartered in the country’s east and has carried out several devastating attacks, mostly targeting the country’s minority Shiite Muslims. In 2018, ISIS-K killed dozens of young students taking university entrance exams in the same Dasht-e-Barchi neighborhood of Kabul.


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