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Germany May Ban Prostitution Due To COVID-19

COVID-19 has caused a lot of problems, or rather exposed many problems, but some of the effects of the virus have been positive. Such is the “silver lining” even in the worst of situations.

In view of the corona-related closure of prostitution facilities in Germany, a group of members of the Bundestag is demanding a sex ban and exit programs for prostitutes. The shutdown for prostitution imposed during the Corona crisis should not be relaxed, they demand in a letter to the heads of government of the federal states. Otherwise, new foci of infection are to be feared, it says.

No social distancing possible

“It is obvious that prostitution would have the effect of an epidemiological super-spreader – sexual acts are usually not compatible with social distancing,” said parliamentarians from the ranks of the government groups CDU / CSU and SPD. When tracing infection chains, contact with prostitutes is usually kept secret. The letter was signed by 16 MPs, including trade unionist Leni Breymaier, medical doctor and epidemiologist Karl Lauterbach (both SPD) and former health minister Hermann Gröhe (CDU).

Furthermore, the parliamentarians want to ban what they consider to be the most inhumane, destructive and misogynistic activity to which women are forced. They are at the mercy of their pimps. “It is not the reopening of the brothels that helps these women, but an apprenticeship or job in a job that ensures their livelihood.” In this context, the group recommends the Prime Ministers of the federal states to introduce exit aids based on the Swedish model.

“The women need language courses, housing, health insurance, work and trauma therapy,” emphasized Breymaier. There are currently around 33,000 officially registered prostitutes in Germany, with a total of up to 400,000. Many of them come from Eastern Europe. (source)

Prositution is considered by many to be a “necessary evil” in society, and there is an argument for this to be made. However, a LOT of it, especially today, goes way too far. This is not to say that I justify or support the practice, but acknowledge that while living in an imperfect world, while not all things can be controlled, there are many things that need control which have nothing, and things that have too much control and need liberalization. The problem is one of balance often, and what the society cannot care for any more, the Church then plays her role in trying to fix (such as elimination of immoral behavior).

It is good that Germany is doing this, but ONE caution- Germany has a history of swinging between extremes. Right now, she is very sexually “liberal”, and while there was much sexual debauchery in the Weimar years and during the Reich, it was the debauchery of the Weimar period that lead to the “conservatism” of the Reich.

Could this drive to ban prostitution be part of something that is not an act in itself, but a small step towards a greater reich? One may want to watch carefully to see what this may hold for the future.

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