More Than Four Out Of Five Americans Demand Monthly Trump Stacks warned about the dangers of money printing and how it would lead to hyperinflation, but the common man would support “more money” being printed for him in a classic example of short-term gain at a long-term loss. Noting this, it is amazing to see that a recent study reported from Study Finds notes that 82% of Americans now want MONTHLY COVID-19 stimulus checks until the crisis passes.
A recent survey shows how the opinions of the American public have changed over the course of the coronavirus pandemic when it comes to the federal government’s role in one’s health and financial status. Most Americans feel that now, perhaps more than ever before, the country must improve the way it cares for citizens who are unwell and provides for those who are most in need.
The survey of 2,000 adults was conducted by OnePoll over the last few days of April — right when many states were beginning to lift some of the restrictions they put in place at the start of the pandemic. More than three-quarters of respondents agreed that now is the right time for the country to experiment with universal healthcare. Additionally, 76% of respondents feel that people who contract COVID-19 shouldn’t be charged for their medical expenses at all.
Further analysis shows that interest in moving towards a universal healthcare system doesn’t vary too much by political affiliation. In fact, 74% of self-identified Republicans and 84% of self-identified Democrats agreed that the country should institute such a system in response to the pandemic.
Moreover, 81% also believe that insurance companies should cover all COVID-19 related expenses.
It’s possible that this sentiment is shared by many Americans because many people do not know how they would pay for their own medical expenses should they contract COVID-19. Sixty-five percent of respondents fear the economic burden they would face should they get infected. Perhaps that’s why the majority of Americans think the government needs to provide more financial security for its constituents, too.
A whopping 82% of people feel that the one-time stimulus check of $1,200 is not enough to cover their expenses. They feel that these checks should continue until the lockdown ends. Many respondents also think that elected official should find ways to relieve some of the economic burdens people are facing during this time. Among popular ideas, 55% believe that mortgage and rent payments should be frozen during this time. Another 63% say student loan companies should freeze interest rates and payments.
Respondents also largely felt the country should especially try and help those who lost their jobs as a result of the pandemic. Nearly eight in ten (79%) respondents agreed that the feds need to do more to protect those who have become unemployed. That said, only 58% think who have lost their jobs should receive more federal financial support. (source)
For those who may not be aware of how serious this is, it is the effective creation of a Universal Basic Income. Of course, money printing devalues the currency, and as all historical examples note, creates Weimarian type conditions where, literally, a loaf of bread will cost a bucket full of money, not to mention the “mandatory” property and sales taxes that will be “justified” to pay for things such as this.
But the fact is that the people want it, and it is going to happen. In less than a year, Americans went from hating “socialism” under a UBI to most of them wanting it.
One can only imagine what the future will hold. Until then, use the extra money to prepare because there may not be a time when money, so easily printed and distributed, will be as useful as it currently is…
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